For most businesses today, having a website is an essential part of their marketing and overall branding strategy. In many cases, it is also a key area where sales and customer interaction take place. With this in mind, you need to make sure your website is set up properly so that you can maximize its benefit. One critical aspect of your website that many people overlook is the privacy policy. While very few people ever read these pages, they are actually quite important. Read on to learn why.
It is Legally Required in Many Cases
If your website collects any type of personal information, you are legally required to have a privacy policy. This policy must outline what you do with the information collected, whether you sell or rent the information, and other important details. Personal information can include name, email address, GPS location, phone number, mailing address, and a variety of other pieces of information.
Third Party Services Often Require It
Websites today are quite advanced and will often incorporate a variety of third party tools and services into your app. If you are using any of these types of services, the chances are that they will require that you have a privacy policy in place on your site. Some examples of third party services that require a privacy policy include Google AdWords, Google Analytics, SDKs, and more.
Give Users Peace of Mind
While only a small percentage of users will actually read your privacy policy, many more of them want to at least know that it is there. Having a link to your privacy policy at the bottom of the page, and then again anywhere that has a consumer enter their personal information, will help give them the peace of mind that you won’t be misusing the data that they are trusting you with.
There is No Real Downside
In the end, there is no real downside to adding a privacy policy to your website. Even if you’re not sure that you are required to have one on your website, it makes sense to put one up just to be safe. You may never know how it fully benefits your business, but in the long run it is well worth the effort.
Get Help Today
Generic privacy policies can be acceptable for certain types of businesses, but it is often best to have one customized to meet your specific needs. If you want to speak with an attorney about your website’s privacy policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.
Lexero LLC
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