What is Internet Defamation?
Unfortunately, information posted online stays online for a very long time. While most of this information benefits Internet users, negative information, especially information that is proven untrue, can damage a business or an individual’s reputation.
You may have heard the terms ‘defamation of character,’ ‘libel,’ ‘slander,’ or ‘internet defamation’ thrown around on legal dramas, court TV or in the news. And while defamation of character makes for an interesting story line, the reality is that once a business or individual has suffered from online defamation, it can quickly destroy the potential for business expansion and continued profits.
Internet defamation takes the form of web content, articles, product or service reviews, blogs, video and editorial content posted online that includes negative statements, remarks, comments that include misleading or blatantly untrue information about a business’ goods and services or an individual’s character.
Luckily, there are ways to legally demonstrate Internet defamation has taken place and ways to reduce its impact online.
Ways to Combat Internet Defamation
If you or your business has been affected by negative and untrue statements posted online by a customer, former or current employee, competitor or other persons, you have legal options such as filing a complaint or lawsuit, sending a letter demanding slanderous comments be removed from the owner’s web properties or contacting Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and asking them to remove the content from their servers.
Hire an Internet Defamation Attorney
An Internet lawyer with experience in defamation cases is your best recourse when fighting negative and untrue statements posted online. An Internet defamation attorney can:
- Compel the offending parties to remove libelous or slanderous materials from web sites and other online properties such as blogs, sales pages, or article reviews
- Contact blog and forum webmasters to remove untrue content
- Gather evidence to support the occurrence of Internet defamation by searching the Internet for repeated instances of slander or libel and collecting statements from those associated with the persons responsible for publishing negative materials such as web site contributors, webmasters, web designers and others
- File defamation complaints with local and state jurisdictions
- Negotiate settlements
Protect your reputation online by actively fighting Internet defamation. The Lexero Law Firm is here to listen to your case to determine the proper course of action.